
Adapting to COVID & Beyond: Strengthening Organizational Resilience of Global Partners Addressing Sexual & Reproductive Health


Portrait of young Indian women Jodhpur, India

From 2021-2023, PHI in collaboration with Sustaining Technical and Analytic Resources (STAR) and with funding from the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, implemented the "Samedh" program to help organizations advance sexual and reproductive health in India and South Asia—helping to strengthen their organizational resilience and capacity in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

187 grantees from 26 organizations participated in capacity building, leadership development opportunities to adapt to post-COVID pandemic

23 virtual sessions hosted by Samedh to support local partners in India and South Asia

From 2021-2023, PHI in collaboration with the Sustaining Technical and Analytic Resources (STAR) program and funding from the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, implemented the Capacity Strengthening and Organizational Learning Program (later named “Samedh”) to strengthen the organizational resilience of local organizations working to improve sexual and reproductive health in India and South Asia.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many communities to prioritize relief efforts related to the immediate COVID crisis. In India and South Asia, Packard Foundation grantees expressed that the pandemic resulted in a de-prioritization of women’s sexual and reproductive health needs. Following the immediate crisis response, grantees were struggling to navigate organizational capacity challenges, including uncertainty in funding; the need to adapt or redesign projects and programs such as transitioning to virtual delivery models; managing the technological needs of a home-based workforce; and supporting employee wellness and resilience.

PHI led the design of the Samedh initiative and selected six local organizational effectiveness experts to implement workshops and support 26 Packard grantees to develop strategies to better adapt to the pandemic and its ongoing impacts on the communities they serve. Experts worked in partnership with the grantees to develop new funding models and operating structures to meet the new realities of COVID. 

Through the Samedh program, PHI facilitated shared learning across the grantee organizations and strengthened organizational capacity through technical assistance. The program held 23 virtual sessions to help grantees improve their knowledge and skills in the following areas: 

  • Team Management
  • Financial Management
  • Project/Program Management
  • Leadership Development
  • Organizational Development

One-on-one sessions were also held with 20 grantee leaders to focus on specific topics affecting their organization, allowing Samedh to provide additional, individualized support.

The Samedh initiative enabled Packard grantee organizations to refocus their efforts on advancing sexual and reproductive health in their communities, equipped with new strategies, tools and resources for strengthened internal capacity. Based on these successes, Packard extended the program with plans to expand offerings regionally in South Asia in the future.

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