
Developing Liberia’s Next Generation of Champions for Women and Girls


Rise Up

Image for Developing the Next Generation of Global Champions for Women and Girls

When Rise Up met Rosana in 2010, she was a visionary leader and the founder of a safe home that gave 25 girls a secure place to live, and a chance to go to school. Through participating in Rise Up’s programming, Rosana learned about advocacy strategies, and the transformative power of partnerships, direct dialogue, and how young people can advocate for their own needs.

With the launch and success of a children’s rights advocacy campaign supported by Rise Up, Rosana went from protecting 25 girls in her safe home to securing the rights of 2 million children in Liberia with the passage of the National Children’s Law, which guarantees children the right to education, healthcare, and protection from violence.

In 2017, Rosana was elected to the House of Representatives in Liberia, becoming the first woman to represent her district. Rosana has fought tirelessly for implementation of the law she championed, and her influence and legacy continues. Rosana’s impact is exponential.

Rise Up champions like Rosana are advocating for girls and women in some of the most challenging environments around the world. They fight every day for girls to finish school, for young people to access reproductive health services, for women to overcome gender-based violence, and for girls’ and women’s basic human rights.

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