Support PHI
Now, more than ever, the Public Health Institute needs your support. Growing inequities in our communities require urgent action. Together, we can accelerate our response to public health’s most critical issues. Public health doesn’t just happen; people make it happen. You make it happen. Join us.
Other Ways to Give
Support the Joe Hafey Innovation Fund
In memory and in honor of PHI’s founder Joseph Hafey and his tremendous public health leadership and success in creating and establishing the Public Health Institute (PHI), PHI and the Hafey Family have established the Joe Hafey Innovation Fund at PHI.
Mr. Hafey was a true visionary and imagined an organization that could make public health stronger, faster, more efficient, and effective at reaching those who needed it most. Throughout his career, Joe launched and nurtured many critical and successful public health leadership programs and careers. He also identified gaps and emerging opportunities in public health and organized resources quickly to find solutions.
In honor of his legacy and his ability to foresee the power of cross-sectoral collaborations and develop innovative solutions in public health, the Joe Hafey Innovation Fund at PHI will seed emerging opportunities that will advance and strengthen public health, support the continuation of existing leadership and other programs launched by Mr. Hafey as CEO of PHI, and sponsor exciting new related projects including a public health equity and diversity fellowship program that will offer practical leadership development tools and experience to emerging leaders within community-based organizations that serve as critical elements of the public health ecosystem and infrastructure.
Contribute today to help advance the innovation of public health!
Donate Stock or Mutual Funds
Donating appreciated securities—such as stock or mutual funds—to the Public Health Institute is a tax-wise approach building healthier, more equitable communities. Many donors choose to give gifts using long-term appreciated stocks and mutual funds due to the attractive opportunities for tax advantages with such gifts.
The benefits available to you when making a charitable contribution of stock or mutual funds may include:
- Lowering or eliminating federal and state tax on the capital gain;
- Potential for income tax deduction (federal and most states) for some portion of the entire value of the gift depending on tax rules;
- Creating a legacy of supporting healthier and more equitable communities today with financial benefits that go into the future.
For more information email us.
Donate by Mail
Please print and complete our mail-in donation form and make your check or money order payable to Public Health Institute, then send both items to:

555 12th Street, Suite 600
Attention: FR/Dev
Oakland, CA 94607
Donate by Shopping
iGive: Donate up to 25% of each purchase you make at over 240 name-brand stores, at no additional cost to you, through iGive.com.
Planned Gifts
You can leave a financial legacy for Public Health Institute through a variety of planned gifts. For more information email us.