Healthy Communities
When it comes to health, where you live matters
Our Impact
See all Healthy Communities Impacts

- 13.5M+ CA residents in communities that limit the # of marijuana retail outlets, as recommended by Getting it Right from the Start
- 500K telephone health surveys conducted in English, Spanish, Chinese & Vietnamese since 1987 by Survey Research Group
- 19 CA state departments with Racial Equity Action Plans, thanks in part to PHI's HiAP team

Our Work
When it comes to health, where you live matters: Neighborhoods can create opportunities for—or barriers to—health. In fact, zip code is a better predictor of health than genetic code. PHI works within and alongside communities to build health, with a particular emphasis on reducing health disparities by amplifying local leadership, dismantling structural barriers and addressing the social determinants of health. We work collaboratively to increase access to safe opportunities for physical activity, improve the built environment, reduce exposure to hazards in the environment and expand the availability of affordable, healthful foods.
Critical Issues
Pioneering Expertise
PHI Priority
Building Health Equity
PHI’s Center for Wellness and Nutrition partners with California Tribal Organizations and community partners to promote healthy living and traditional foods, and to expand collaborative nutrition education activities and opportunities. The CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) Tribal Ambassador Committee includes tribal partners from communities throughout California who provide feedback, guidance, and suggestions on nutrition education materials, healthy traditional recipes, and partnership development to better serve California American Indian/Alaskan Native communities. This committee has developed a range of new culturally rooted CFHL resources that promote healthy living and traditional foods.
Active Programs
AC CARE Alliance
Achieving Resilient Communities (ARC)
Advancing the State of the Art in Community Benefit
Berkeley Media Studies Group
Build Healthy Places Network
California Occupational Health Surveillance and Evaluation Program (OHSEP)
Center for Climate Change and Health
Center for Collaborative Planning
Center for Health Leadership and Impact
Archived Programs
California Adolescent Health Collaborative
California Alliance for Prevention Funding
California Alliance of Academics and Communities for Public Health Equity
California Center for Research on Women and Families(PHI program 2000-2016)
California Convergence Coordinating Office
California Project LEAN
Center for Civic Partnerships (PHI program 1991-2016)
Cleaner Cookstoves: Building Global Capacity & Improving Public Health
Cultiva La Salud/Central California Regional Obesity Prevention Program

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