Public Health Trust

The Public Health Trust (PHT) works with private attorneys, government agencies and public health organizations interested in using litigation settlement funds to improve public health. PHT manages settlement funds with a focus on transparency and accountability. PHT grantees address a wide range of public health issues from marketing of food, tobacco products, exposure to toxic substances, medication access, and air and water quality.
Completed Projects
- Unlawful Distribution of Cigarettes and Cigarette Coupons on Public Grounds Settlement
A case alleging a violation of California law enacted in 1991 that prohibits tobacco companies from distributing free cigarettes in public buildings or on public grounds (People of the State of California v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.). The Public Health Trust distributed funds for projects to counter or prevent tobacco industry marketing techniques aimed at young adults in adult-only venues in California, as well as tobacco company-sponsored brand websites.
- Airline Exhaust Settlement
A Proposition 65 lawsuit alleging that airline and airfreight companies failed to warn the public about the health hazards of exhaust fumes from jet engines and equipment used to service airplanes (Environmental World Watch, Inc. v. Aeroflot, et al.). The Public Health Trust distributed funds to help California move ahead with its Green Chemistry Initiative.
- Mexican Soda Bottles with Decoration Containing Lead and Cadmium
A Proposition 65 lawsuit alleging the presence of toxic levels of lead and cadmium in materials used to decorate glass soda bottles (People of the State of California v. PepsiCo, Inc.; People of the State of California v. Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. and People of the State of California v. The Coca-Cola Company, et al.) The Public Health Trust distributed funds to monitor retailers for continued sale of certain glass bottles, to assist small companies in Mexico in retaining auditors to inspect their food production and processing activities, and to support projects to reduce the presence of lead in Mexican products.
- Unlawful Distribution of Smokeless Tobacco Coupons on Public Grounds
A case alleging a violation of California law enacted in 1991 that prohibits tobacco companies from distributing free cigarettes in public buildings or on public grounds (People of the State of California v. U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company). The Public Health Trust distributed funds to monitor and study smokeless tobacco marketing activities and develop and test counter messages to discourage use of smokeless tobacco.
- Astroturf Settlement
A Proposition 65 settlement alleging that specified companies exposed California consumers to lead from synthetic turf without first providing consumers "clear and reasonable warnings" that the products contain lead (People of the State of California v. Beaulieu Group, LLC., et al., judgments related to Fieldturf USA, Inc. and AstroTurf). The Public Health Trust distributed funds to carry out a synthetic turf lead testing and outreach program in California.
- Toy Settlement - Mattel
A Proposition 65 settlement alleging that California consumers were exposed to lead through the manufacture, distribution and sale of toys made of materials that contain lead or lead compounds, without first providing "clear and reasonable" warnings (People of the State of California v. The Mattel Company, et al.). The Public Health Trust distributed funds to monitor compliance with limitations on lead in children's products in California, and to identify and implement outreach measures with respect to recalls of children's products, including reasonable efforts to communicate information about such recalls to consumers who do now have internet access and/or who do not speak English.
- Settlement of Illegal Skin Patch Weight Loss Product Case
The settlement of claims alleging illegal sale of Weight Loss Patch products to California consumers (People of the State of California v. CVS Pharmacy.Inc. et al.) has established a "Dietary Supplement Public Education and Information Fund," to develop and distribute to the public accurate information on the benefits and dangers of dietary supplements.
- Lead in Candy Settlement
A Proposition 65 lawsuit alleging the presence of toxic levels of lead in candy, specifically Mexican candies containing dried chilies (People of the State of California v. Alpro Alimento Proteinico, S.A. de C.V., et al.). The Public Health Trust distributed funds to provide community education about lead poisoning from candy products; technical assistance to small candy producers in Mexico working to comply with the judgment; and laboratory equipment for California Department of Public Health to test food products for lead.
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