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The Latino Coalition Against COVID-19

The Latino Coalition Against COVID-19 (LCAC19) is a national community-led, non-partisan, collaborative movement to build health equity in Latinx communities.

We join together with other organizations, task forces, coalitions, and alliances to build community capacity, combat misinformation, and amplify local voices to a national level.


Completed Projects


SaludConTech is a community that empowers its members to build technology-assisted community-based solutions that promote wellness and eliminate health inequities in the Latinx community. Its annual symposium highlights population health-based approaches that utilize technology to promote wellness and eliminate health inequities in the Latinx community.

The COVID-19 Digital Compañero Program

To provide culturally and linguistically appropriate outreach, education, navigation, and digital literacy training through Internet-enabled devices to overcome the digital divide, combat disinformation, and reduce barriers to vaccines in Latino communities.

person getting vaccinated

#Vacunateya: Latinx Physicians Proud To Be Vaccinated

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Aerial view of wildfire smoke


Wildfires & Extreme Heat: Resources to Protect Yourself & Your Community

Communities across the U.S. and around the world are grappling with dangerous wildfires and extreme heat. These threats disrupt and uproot communities and pose serious risks to environmental and community health—from rising temperatures, unhealthy air pollutants, water contamination and more. Find PHI tools, resources and examples to help communities take action and promote climate safety, equity and resiliency.

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