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COVID-19 Sparks a Rebirth of the Local Farm Movement

Michael Dimock of PHI’s Roots of Change program comments on the need for government action for food system reforms in support of small farms.

  • Yes! Magazine

Family farms in California and across the country have been hit hard by the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Farmers and especially ecological farmers often struggle to make ends meet, and that is even more true now, as the pandemic strangles economies the world over.

PHI’s Roots of Change program advocates for transforming California’s food system. To get serious about preparing the food system for future disasters, Roots of Change president Michael Dimock says the government needs to be involved. He says the state needs a paradigm shift for farms to remain viable in the face of multiplying disasters to come—not only pandemics, but fires, floods, and other symptoms of climate change.

“How bold will people get in the months ahead to demand real change? My hope is they will get more radical.” – Michael Dimock, president, Roots of Change

Click below to read the full article in Yes! Magazine.

Originally published by Yes! Magazine

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