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More California Churches To Offer Vaccines In Effort To Reach Underserved Communities

To foster vaccine equity, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a partnership with faith-based organizations to support COVID-19 vaccination efforts across the state. Susan Watson, program director of PHI’s Together Toward Health comments on the need to ensure access to vaccines in communities hit hardest by the pandemic.

More Californians will soon be able to get their COVID-19 vaccine at church as Governor Gavin Newsom announced a statewide partnership with faith-based organizations across the state.

The state has launched a partnership with nearly 200 faith-based organizations, expanding its outreach and equity efforts. The effort aims to provide at least 25,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to pop-up clinics at places of worship in the hardest-hit areas of California.

As noted in Governor Newsom’s announcement of the effort, several pop-up vaccination clinics have received funding through Together Toward Health, a $29.4 million public-private partnership with Public Health Institute. The partnership has supported more than 300 local, community-rooted organizations across California whose members serve as trusted experts for COVID-19 education, testing and vaccination access in their communities.

Susan Watson
I think that we’re really ramping that up now. There’s a real intention and push to make sure we are not leaving people behind in COVID.

Susan Watson, program director, Together Toward Health

Together Toward Health formed during the pandemic and now funds outreach efforts in 300 organizations in underserved communities across the state. Nearly 80 of them are in Northern California.

Click the image below to watch the CBS News segment with Susan Watson and click here to read the Governor’s announcement.

Originally published by CBS Sacramento

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