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PHI’s Experts Discuss Building Resilience and Well-Being in Communities Through Equity

Julia Caplan and Holly Nickel from PHI’s State of Equity joined the NACDD Board President’s Challenge Podcast, “Resilience at the Community Level” to discuss how to build resilience and well-being in communities through equity.


Building resilience is foundational to promoting healthy communities, but you can’t promote healthy communities without promoting equity. Julia Caplan and Holly Nickel, from PHI’s State of Equity, sat down with the National Association of Chronic Disease Director (NACDD) Board President’s Challenge Podcast to discuss the Health in All Policies (HiAP) model, the Capitol Collaborative on Race and Equity (CCORE) program, and how resilience and wellbeing are centered in all of their work.

In part one, they share how the differences in access to resources and opportunities that communities have, in addition to the experience of being targeted by racism, have significant health and physiological impacts on the individual and community levels. Caplan and Nickel also detail how their work is honoring the longstanding community-based efforts to promote equitable and healthy communities.


In part two, Caplan and Nickel dive deeper into how State of Equity is breaking down silos and leveraging a network of state-government entities to increase awareness of how institutional racism is being created and maintained systemically, and what strategies are needed in policy and practice to advance equity as both a process and an outcome.



Originally published by NACDD President's Challenge Podcast

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