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Teen Dating Abuse and How Schools Can Help Prevent It

Prevention of relationship abuse among adolescents requires a range of strategies from educating youth and adults about the extent of the problem; connecting youth to relevant supports and services; and engaging schools, parents and other influential adults to talk about healthy relationships,” Alison Chopel, executive director of PHI's California Adolescent Health Collaborative, says in the Deseret News in Salt Lake City.

“Prevention of relationship abuse among adolescents requires a range of strategies from educating youth and adults about the extent of the problem; connecting youth to relevant supports and services; and engaging schools, parents and other influential adults to talk about healthy relationships,”  Alison Chopel, executive director of PHI’s California Adolescent Health Collaborative (CAHC), says in the Deseret News in Salt Lake City.

Chopel was commenting on a study that recently appeared in the journal Pediatrics that shows how schools can help prevent dating abuse. Former CAHC executive director Sandi Goldstein is a co-author of the study. Further discussion of the study appears in the journal Futurity.


Originally published by Deseret News

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