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The State of Cannabis: Strengthening Health Warning Labels

During a special edition with KTVU Fox News, Heather Holmes spoke with PHI’s Dr. Lynn Silver about the positive impact that health warnings could have on youth and adults who use edible marijuana products and the Cannabis Right to Know Act.

In her State of Cannabis interview on a special edition with KTVU Fox News, PHI’s Dr. Lynn Silver explains how cannabis companies are marketing their products, especially to youth and similar to the tobacco industry, without enough information or prominent location and size of health warning labels. The Cannabis Right to Know Act (SB 1097), is a bill that if passed, will help to strengthen the warning labels.

Lynn Silver
...The effects on health are very, very different. The reason that we’re working together with California’s pediatricians, obstetricians, addiction medicine docs, Dr. Richard Pan, the Senator who’s a pediatrician, is because we’re all seeing the same things. We’re seeing significant numbers of people landing in the emergency room with psychosis, suicide attempts, car accidents, very severe vomiting and other syndromes… Dr. Lynn Silver

Program Director, PHI’s Getting It Right from the Start project

Our Getting it Right from the Start works with jurisdictions that have legalized cannabis, or are considering doing so, and develops/shares model policies, conducts research and provides technical assistance to reduce harm and promote safe, healthy communities.

Watch the video, or click below to view the full story.

Originally published by KTVU Fox News

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