Build Your Best Global Health Resume
Focus Areas
Capacity Building & Leadership, Global Health -
Workforce Development -
USAID Global Health Fellows Program II

What does your resume say to a global health employer? Watch the Google Hangout recording from PHI's Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP) II, "Build Your Best Global Health Resume," featuring a live review of a student's resume by GHFP II's recruitment and performance specialists. Our expert panelists provided best practices for creating a resume that's universally appealing to global health recruiters, and answered questions submitted by the audience.
About our panelists:
Moderator: Robert Leone, GHFP II Outreach and Communications Senior Advisor. Robert has 13 years of experience in the global health field specializing in student career counseling, and outreach across the country.
- Jennifer Kaindi, GHFP II Lead Recruiter, specializes in recruiting diverse talent in a variety of global health specialties such as maternal and child health. For nearly 3 years she has provided advice and management of the recruitment process, from screening to hiring. Jennifer attends global health and international development conferences sharing her guidance with individuals interested in global health careers with GHFP II.
- Elise Mann, GHFP II Lead of Performance and Career Development, has proven experience in performance management and career development for over 100 GHFP II Fellows working with the US Agency for International Development (USAID). Elise contributes to USAID's efforts to develop a diverse global health workforce by connecting others to the resources which enable them to implement projects and programs.
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