
Videos: What Latino Parents Need To Know About COVID Vaccines

  • Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Dr. Eloisa Gonzalez, Enriqueta Guido, María Guido
Screenshot of Latino Coalition Against COVID video series, with & Dr. Turner-Lloveras

What do Latino parents need to know about COVID and vaccines to help protect the health of their kids, families and communities? How can doctors and other medical providers communicate more effectively with the Latino community about the pandemic, vaccines and other health and safety measures?

In this video series, PHI’s Latino Coalition Against COVID-19 answers frequently asked questions about COVID vaccines in English and Spanish. It also includes recommendations and best practices for the medical community to reach Latino parents and families.

The videos feature:

  • Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Chief Health Correspondent Medical Officer, Alta Med
  • Dr. Eloisa Gonzalez, Director, Cardiovascular and School Health Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
  • Dr. Daniel Turner-Lloveras, Executive Director, The Latino Coalition Against COVID-19
  • Enriqueta Guido, LCAC19 Community Member
  • María Guido, LCAC19 Community Member

Find FAQ videos in Español and English below, or watch the Youtube playlist to see the full series.

What Latino Parents Need To Know about COVID Vaccines / Lo Que Los Padres Latinos Necesitan Saber

A Virtual Q&A / Una Q&A Sobremesa Virtual


Estoy confundido sobre el plan para vacunar niños menores de 5 años. ¿Puedes explicar?
¿Que significa si el ensayo clínico en niños no dio resultados similares a los adultos?

Me vacuné, tuve covid, y estoy recuperado ¿puedo regresar a la normalidad?

¿Por qué debo vacunar a mi hijo si el COVID solo causa una enfermedad leve?

¿Qué pasa si mi hijo(a) cumple 12 años entre la 1a y la 2a vacuna?

¿Y que le dijo a las personas que decian que era malo?

¿Que fueron algunas de las cosas que escucho sobre la vacuna que no pensaba que era verdad?

¿A la larga, recibirán los niños dosis de refuerzo como los adultos?
¿Por qué se recomienda la inyección de refuerzo contra el COVID-19?

¿Qué es una inyección de refuerzo?

No hay muchos niños que se están enfermando, ¿es necesario vacunarlos? Dr. Ilan Shapiro

¿Cómo pueden los padres decidir si deberían vacunar a sus ninos? Dr. Ilan Shapiro

¿Para que voy a recibir la vacuna si todavia me podria enfermar?

¿Conoces a alguien que haya muerto de COVID-19?

Enriqueta Nos Habla Sobre Su Experiencia Con Las Vacunas de COVID-19

¿Tuvo alguna duda antes de recibir la vacuna para prevenir el coronavirus-19?

¿Usted o alguien de su familia se enfermó de coronavirus-19?


What Latino Parents Need To Know COVID Vaccines / Lo Que Los Padres Latinos Necesitan Saber Premiere

A Doctor’s Personal Story: How to talk to family about COVID-19 vaccines

Do you anticipate boosters will be recommended for the 5-to-11 age group?

Why should I vaccinate my child if they already had COVID-19?

I’m vaccinated, boosted, and had covid-19, can I go back to normal?

There have been conflicting reports about vaccinating kids, how does this all work? Dr. Ilan Shapiro

Why should I vaccinate my child if COVID only causes mild illness?

How To Approach Latino Parents About COVID-19 Vaccines. Dr. Gonzalez & Dr. Turner-Lloveras

My family member is ill with COVID-19, are there treatments I can use at home?

What does it mean to be “fully vaccinated” now?

I’ve been suffering prolonged COVID-19 symptoms. Do I have Long COVID? How should I ask my doctor?

Should I ask my doctor for monoclonal antibody treatment if I have COVID to prevent hospitalization?

Lo Que Importa Ep. 3 | How To Get Back To Normal Without Being Done (English)

What does it mean, the clinical trials in children were not as strong as in adults? Dr. Ilan Shapiro

How should parents decide if they should get their child vaccinated? Dr. Ilan Shapiro

There aren’t that many kids getting sick, is it necessary to vaccinate your children?

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