Tool: MeasureUp
Focus Areas
Capacity Building & Leadership, Healthy Communities -
Community Development -
Quality Improvement -
Build Healthy Places Network

Looking for help measuring and communicating the impact of your work in local communities?
Explore MeasureUp, a curated portal from PHI’s Build Healthy Places Network, offering tools, examples and stories to help quantify the social determinants of health.
MeasureUp is designed to help you measure and communicate the impact of your programs, investments, and hard work to improve the lives of low-income families and the neighborhoods where they live—and make a case for the importance of collaboration across the health and community development sectors.
Get started now with MeasureUp:
- Mapping tools: Learn how to map your community’s strengths and target areas.
- Measurement tools: See how others are measuring health-related impact and find resources to help you get started.
- Evidence base: Learn more about the effects of neighborhood on health.
- Measurement stories: Read and watch stories from the field about measurement in action.
- Deeper dive: Want more? Go deeper with these ideas and innovations.
Originally published by Build Healthy Places Network
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