
Model Ordinances Regulating Local Cannabis Retail Sales, Marketing and Taxation in California

Explore model ordinances and resources for states or localities where cannabis has been legalized or legalization is being considered—designed to help discourage high potency products and youth use, and provide sustained financial support to local efforts to create healthier and more equitable communities and prevent substance use.

An image for Model Ordinance Regulating Local Cannabis Retail Sales and Marketing in California

PHI’s Getting it Right from the Start collaboratively develops and tests models for optimal cannabis policy (retail practices, marketing & taxation), based on the best available scientific evidence, with the goal of reducing harms, youth use and problem use and promoting social justice and equity.

Explore the model ordinances, which cover the best practices in local regulation of cannabis and hemp retailing, including licensing, marketing, hours, product restrictions, youth protection, caps on dispensaries, and equity considerations.

These resources have been developed by PHI’s Getting it Right from the Start and informed through conversations with experts and stakeholders from across California and around the nation, in order to share best practices for stronger local regulatory and taxation frameworks that protect youth, public health and social equity in the wake of legalization in California. They are designed to be used as a starting point for local communities in developing their own local policies.

person buying cannabis

Retail & Marketing Model Ordinances (Cannabis and Hemp)

These ordinances cover the best practices in local regulation of cannabis and hemp retailing, including licensing, marketing, hours, product restrictions, youth protection, caps on dispensaries, and equity considerations.

Download the Cannabis Model Ordinance →

Download the Hemp Model Ordinance →

people with hands in a huddle

Special Tax Model Ordinance

This model ordinance provides a model for California cities and counties to capture cannabis tax revenue and directs revenue towards specified public health and prevention funding.

Download the Ordinance →

people in a community

General Tax Model Local Ordinance for California

This alternative model tax ordinance for California cities and counties, this approach places revenue in a general fund with an advisory panel to help direct resources to prevention goals.

Download the Ordinance →


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The model ordinances were prepared by PHI’s Getting it Right from the Start, working with Michael G. Colantuono, JD of Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley PC, a leading municipal law and revenue expert and President of the Board of Trustees of the California State Bar, with generous assistance of several expert reviewers.

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